And the Liebster Award goes to...

I wanted to publish this post last week, but it was unfinished on Monday. As everyone knows, life tends to get in the way of our schedules, and I had matters I had to attend to - I'm sorry, but finally, without further adieu:

A couple of weeks ago, I received a message from fellow blogger Isma from Walk in Vogue. asking me if she could nominate me for the Liebster Award… My first immediate reaction was “I want in! Wait - what is that??” I’d heard about the Versatile Blogger award and was flattered by that nomination, but what’s the Liebster?  Liebster, in German, means "dearest" or "beloved". This particular Liebster is a Virtual Award, given to bloggers by bloggers to encourage and support each other in our online community. Not only do you get to discover new blogs, but you can engage and interact with similar minded individuals in hopes that it may touch or inspire someone else.

Here are the rules, should someone nominate you and you accept:

  1. Thank and write a bit about the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  2. Posting the badge on your site (Hooray!)
  3. Answer questions that the nominator has asked
  4. Chose other 5-10 award-worthy bloggers
  5. Pick 10 questions for them to answer

I have to say it Isma - Thank you! I'm flattered! I was thrilled to spread the love by acknowledging some of my favorite up and coming writers that I've met in the last several months. Please do me a favor, and go visit her Blog or check her out on Facebook!

I accepted Isma's nomination, so here it goes:

Why did you start blogging?

I'm not 100% sure what the catalyst was, to be honest. I wanted to write about what I'd gone through during my struggle to lose weight and finally be at peace with my body, but it ended up being more than that - it became how to help others who might possibly be going through a similar struggle that I went through. I remember how I felt at the beginning; lost, scared, and like a lot of others had said, I had done it so many times before and failed - Why did it work for me this time? Maybe if I shared that 'secret' with others, they too might embark on their own journey of self-love and discovery. The world needs more of that, so here it is.

If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 3 items what would they be?

Oh goodness... Well, I'd have to say, my phone is rather important (for sheer boredom and OF COURSE to get me outta there), but there would be no charging capabilities so that out. I'd say when stuck in that situation, make the best of it! 1 - An unlimited supply of mai tais, 2 - an umbrella, and 3 - unlimited supply of sunblock! Gotta make it work for you! 

Describe yourself in 3 Words

Pessimistically Optimistical Over-Analyzer

Who Inspires You?

Any woman who is strong, capable and accomplished. Women who lifts others up, never tear them down. Those with convictions and goals who achieve daily success with mini milestones they've set.

What's your Favorite Quote?

I have a couple of favorites... this is the most recent one: "The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." - M. Scott Peck

What was your best vacation?

Now THAT one is easy. I went to London, Paris, and Dublin in September of 2013 and crossed off a couple items on my bucket list. I kissed the Blarney Stone, visited Portobello Road market, and went up the Eiffel Tower. It was an incredibly humbling experience, given how young our United States are compared to the historically rich European cities.

If you could be anyone in the world, who would it be?

I love being me... As cliche as that sounds, or as pageant-y, it's true. I can be a little selfish, a little insecure, and Lord knows, a whole lot EMO. But I wouldn't trade lives with anyone. EVER.

What is your favorite lipstick shade?

'Taylor Swift' Red

What is the most recent book you read?

Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins (for those that don't' know, that's the final Hunger Games book). Oh, jeeze that was last November. Anyone have any suggestions? I should probably start another one.

which time period would you choose to live in and whom would you like to be?

This one is a tough one... Growing up, I wished I could've lived in the 60's with all of the fantastic music, the beautiful and powerful (now-classic) cars and the ever-free spirit within people. Now, as I head further into my adulthood, I find the 1940's to be more romanticized. I love the hair and vintage dress styles, as well as the bold lip color and the strength women showed during WWII. I love both.

Unfortunately, those that I contacted and nominated did not provide me with a response. I’m following a lot of other lovely bloggers so... anyone who wishes to participate, feel free! You are more than welcome to join in the game! Please find your nominees and answers these following questions:

1. What is your most favorite destination & why?
2. What post on your blog you are particularly proud of & why?
3. Which period would that be and whom would you like to be?
4. What is the place you can call home other than where you reside?
5. Why did you start blogging?
6. What is the best vacation you've ever been on?
7. Describe yourself in 3 Words.
8. What's your favorite quote?
9. If you could be anyone in the world, who would it be?
10.  What is the most recent book you read?

I cannot wait to hear responses!

Wait, I'm a Versatile Blogger?

A couple of weeks ago, I received a message from Claire Holland from A Life in Practice, asking me if she could nominate me for the Versatile Blogging Award… My first immediate reaction was “heck yes! Wait - what is that??” I’d heard about it around the forums I follow on Facebook and always wondered what it was about. After a little research, I found that this award is slightly different than what I’d originally thought – it was created to honor those bloggers who bring something special into your life, by spreading the word in hopes that it may touch the life of someone else. I’m flattered! I was thrilled to spread the love by acknowledging some of my favorite up and coming writers I’ve met in the last five months. I have to say, Claire, thank you!

A Life in Practice showcases the cheery as well as messy sides of parenting and life. Claire is a mom blogger from South East England, who at times second guesses herself but pulls through all of life’s inadequacies and steps out of the struggle, stronger. Her nomination message was quite moving, actually…

“I've had a chance to look at your blog, I had my second baby in January and was very unhappy with my weight, so I crafted my own diet and exercise routine and managed to lose 2st[28lbs]! so obviously I was interested to see the theme of your blog! I'd like to nominate you for the Versatile Bloggers Award!”

I personally do not understand a mother’s daily struggle, as I don’t have children, BUT I know some of you do. One of my favorite posts of hers is called, “My Journey of Self-Recognition: From Postpartum Body To The Old ME Again” – where she talks about body dysmorphia and how she lost the weight after her second child. I think a lot of us struggle with what we see in the mirror, like I’ve said before in How to be Enough. Claire mentions, “At the end of the day, no matter how big or small a difference physically, it will shine through you as you grow more confident and feel more energetic. It will surround you as you find the strength you’d lost and start to recognize yourself in the mirror again. In the end, your journey is for you, as mine was for me. I now stand taller, smile wider and step lighter, not because I lost weight, but because I gained back what I had misplaced along the way. Myself.” I love your insight, Claire! Check out and subscribe to her site – A Life in Practice! 🙂

If you want to check out the post that she wrote in nomination, you can find it here.

Janalyn from The Soaring Swine has an inspiring story. Her blog about her weight loss success combines weight loss tips, exercise advice, diet advice and affirmative body image support with a positive outlook. I found her post ‘How to be enough‘ very thoughtful and relatable. Go have a read!

Now. The difficult part! Finding 10 other bloggers who share a spark of madness AND sharing seven facts about myself that a lot of people don’t already know… The finding ten people I admire is easy – the part where they accept and share the love was NOT. I contacted ten people, but only received acceptances from three! It’s hard on a blogger when they’re busy, but here are my best three!

Kristin is a vivacious 23 year old part time blogger from the East Coast. She writes, aiming her articles towards the budget savvy, cosmetic aficionado, and fitness minded individual. Her lifestyle blog just felt familiar. I struggle and feel all of the things she writes about, and aren’t we all here just trying to relate to one another? I loved “getting to know” her in the Coffee Break post, and found “Thinking of Skipping Breakfast? Don’t!” extremely informative and something I completely agree with. Definitely follow her on Instagram.

A food blogger, I’ve found Vy's Healthy Eating and Living quite a resource for tasty and nutritious recipes. With all of the things I’ve been searching via Pinterest for meals and scrumptious bites, this blog is one I’ll keep in my back pocket. One of my favorites is her Gluten Free Strawberry Tart. Visit her site for more or follow her on Facebook or Instagram.

Mary is a health and wellness coach for those looking to get Fit Over 50! Her blog consists of recipes, nutritional advice, fitness tips and motivational articles for those who are over or at the young age of 50! Her article Are The Words “Better Health” Even In Your Vocabulary? Really resonated with me – a lot of people I know don’t even consider it an issue, let alone take initiative to watch their health for the future. She mentions that we sometimes take our health for granted, and that amidst the other seemingly important details of life, it gets lost and thrown to the back burner. Check her out here or on Twitter.

A Little More About me… Well, what have I not already shared with you guys?

  1.  I have a HUGE travel bucket list. I want to go everywhere before I'm physically unable. Among several states that I can remember (like Georgia, Florida, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado), so far, I've been to England (Newcastle Upon Tyne, London), Scotland (Edinburgh),  Ireland (Dublin, Cork), France (Paris), and Mexico. I've been on one cruise through Catalina Island and Ensenada, even though I get motion sick. 
  2. I have an obsession with Corgis. I own a Pembroke Welsh named Brody and he's just as feisty as his Momma. My names for him are "Bro-dor", Face, and short stuff.
  3. I'm alumnae from California State University, Northridge as well as the Beta Beta chapter of Delta Delta Delta. (I chose this for # 3 on purpose ;) D <3 haha)
  4. I'm usually up for new adventures. Whether it's trying out a new recipe, signing up for a run, or even starting this blog, I'm normally pretty game for any challenge that comes my way... Although it scares me, it's usually worth it in the end and has shaped who I am.
  5. Helping others achieve their goals keeps me on course for my own. Seeing how much positive impact I've had recharges my batteries and acts as the best high, second only to a good workout.
  6. Ive been to several three-day music festivals. Coachella (2015, 2016) Life is Beautiful (2015, 2026), and BottleRock (2016). I have dreams of going to Firefly, Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits, OutsideLands, and the two big ones in Europe - Glastonbury and Tomorrowland. I love the environment, and must say that my experiences this far have been all positive ones (aside from some minor setbacks of camp equipment or too much alcohol).
  7. I like big groups and am the quintessential social butterfly. I am perfectly fine being by myself, however, I find life much more enjoyable with friends and in a group setting. Just this weekend my friend from out of town said she believes I am the glue that keeps people and friends together - I couldn't have been more flattered to hear that. I enjoy making other happy, laughing and having a good time... Don't you? 

Do me a favor and check out some of these fabulous finds

I'm honored and so grateful I followed my ambitions to start The Soaring Swine and write. I have a tremendous wealth of support from friends, family, and the bloggers I've met in such a short time!